Monday, September 24, 2012

Minute To Win It

On Friday we had game night with the Greens.  Crystal mentioned wanting to play a home version of the popular TV game show, Minute to Win it.  That sounded like a great idea to me.  I scrounged up a bunch of household items that I thought might be useful for our game, and we headed to their house.  I took a trash bag full of stuff like Q tips, paper plates, cards, napkins, cups, string, etc, etc. 

Oh my gosh!  We had SO MUCH FUN playing our crazy game.  It was a blast watching everyone look and act like idiots!  

We divided into two teams: boys vs girls.  We created seven rounds.  We had a minute to complete each task (duh.)  Some of the rounds were very easy, and some were almost impossible.  I cannot emphasize how much fun we had.  At first we thought that the three year olds, Myleigh and Arden, would be too little to play, but they were able to hang with the older crowd.  This was truly a game that could be played by all ages. 

Here's a few pictures of the game and our awesomely fun night.

Challenge 1: Blow a cup across the table with a straw - Easy
Jakob and Halle blowing the cups

I made up the rule that you couldn't leave the starting end of table. I bent my own rule by laying on the table, ha!  My cheater husband kept poking me while I was trying to blow the cup;  I kept laughing and almost lost this challenge.
Challenge 2: Put a cracker on your face and use only your facial expressions to get it to your mouth - Moderate

This round was my favorite to watch.  You've got to watch the videos.  Everyone looks so stupid trying to get the cracker to their mouths.  Arden was freakin funny because I guess she thought it was just a balancing act.  I'm laughing as I type this just thinking back to this round!   (Excuse the quality of the pictures.  One of these days I'll have a camera better than my phone camera.)
Crystal and Nik's pic is my favorite.  They look absolutely ridiculous. 
Here's videos of Myleigh/Arden and Brian/Me
Challenge 3- Swing an inflatable dolphin with your hips to move a plastic thingamajig into a hula hoop - very difficult

Another really fun one to watch.  We were not good at this one at all.  We were a little worried that Crystal might end up going into labor after squatting like that!  Although no one actually accomplished this challenge, we think the kids had an advantage since they were shorter (and therefore closer to the ground.)  The little girls got the right idea with this challenge.  They gave up and just kicked the plastic ball thingy into the hula hoop

Challenge 3- Using only your mouth, transfer penne pasta onto a single spaghetti noodle - Moderate to Difficult

Challenge 5- Use a straw to transfer candy corn into a cup - Moderate

If you ever play this, make sure you don't have a hole in your straw like I did.

Challenge 6- With Vaseline on your nose, transfer cotton balls into a cup - Easy to Moderate

And Nik grossing me out by pretending that the Vaseline is a popped pimple.
Challenge 7- slingshot rubberbands into toilet paper to tear it - Difficult

Crystal and I are holding up the TP rolls.  Crystal's face says it all.  We don't want to get hit by the rubberbands!

I definitely recommend this for a family night.  It cost us no money since we used household items.  Costing $0 is a miracle considering it was fun for 9 people!  Halfway through the game we forgot to keep score, so I'll just go ahead and say the GIRLS WON!!!!