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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sweet Blankie Post #2

Tonight, out of the blue, Arden said she was ready to get rid of her “Sweet Blankie.”
Arden’s most prized possession her entire life (almost 10 years) has been her beloved “Sweet Blankie.” She has had it since she was born.  The backing has been redone, the insides have been re-stuffed, it has been stitched, liquid-stitched, and  washed at least a THOUSAND times.  But yet again, it’s falling apart, this time beyond repair.  I was in total shock when she said it was time for it to go.  I expected her to take that thing to college!  She said it was so messed up now and she was too big for it anyway. So I’m like, “okaaaaaay, if that’s what you really want to do.” I felt like a piece of my heart would be thrown away with that blanket, but if she had her big girl britches on then I could put mine on too.  Halle and Jack couldn’t deal, though. They both shouted, “Nooooo! You can’t get rid of “Sweet Blankie!” So I suggested she cut a rose from it, to keep and remember forever.  That’s what she did; she cut off a keepsake rose.  She then went to the trash, and threw the blanket away.  I was dying inside!  I felt her grow up just a little bit more and felt so sad. 
A few minutes later she was all teary-eyed.  I told her, “How about you NOT throw it away, but put it in the attic?” Before I can even finish my statement Jack is running to the trash to retrieve “Sweet Blankie” for her. (He’s got a bear he is attached to so I think he was feeling a bit anxious about the idea of one day giving up Bear.  He’s already made the claim he’s sleeping with it even after he’s married.)
Blanket is taken from the trash and I put it in the attic.  A few hours go by and Arden is fine.  However, a few minutes ago Jack runs in to tell me that Arden is upset and crying.  She’s wanting her blanket.  She just isn’t ready to let go. 

I went to her room and had a long chat with her, and I told her she could sleep with “Sweet Blankie” until she’s 90 years old if she wants; it’s up to her.  So up to the attic I go (again) to get the blanket.  Now she has smiles and my heart is full.  The blanket is atrocious, but my baby girl is still my baby.
Original blog post about this blanket, from 2012

Monday, January 7, 2019

Work from Phone Dad

It turns out that blogging from my phone is not an option after all.  The program has glitches, so this post has been in limbo for a while. Oh well.....
Brian changed jobs back in June.  He now works for a construction company called Empower.  Empower works directly with Chick-fil-a, handling building maintenance for many stores across the nation.  Brian's territory has been North Carolina.  He travels to NC every two weeks, but when he is at home, he gets to work from his phone!  That means that we get to take advantage of him not being tied to an office, and do things during the week together.  Here are a few of the things that we've had a chance to do now that he is home more:
When we are being extra good, we get up, drop off the kids, hit the gym, and then hit Smoothie King. (This has happened only twice)

Brian joined the watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students) program at Jack and Arden’s school.   It’s a program designed to put more male role models in the school and to enhance security. Here Brian is helping with the Halloween festival at Metzler.

We get to sneak away while the kids are in school to the movie theater. We can catch a new movie at a Friday matinee.

Jack wants us to eat lunch with him every single day!  We settle for once a week