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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Colorado Trip- Part C

On Tuesday of our week in Colorado we hit the Denver amusement park!  The park is called Elitch Gardens.  Don't ask me how to pronounce it.  Halle and I are adrenaline junkies so we love amusement parks and roller coasters.
We are waiting in line to get on a roller coaster.  The line was LOOONG.  It was worth it though.

This park had a huge kiddie ride section so the littles had a blast.  Arden is tall enough to go on some of the bigger rides, but she's a weenie and is just fine with the smaller rides.
Arden and Jack on a teacup ride.   The last time Arden was on a teacup ride was when she was 19 months old, at Disney World.  (picture below.)  Isn't she cute with those curls?!


Arden and Jack riding swings

and cruising on a bike

ok this was hilarious.  This was bumper cars, but Jack couldn't figure out how to make it go until about the last five seconds of the ride.  It kept spinning in circles and he was so confused.  Once he did, he wanted to go over and over and over.
and obviously, the train was a must for Jack.

truck ride
One of the best parts of the day is when the big guys, Adam and Brian, went on the kiddie coaster with the littles.  So wish I'd snapped some pictures of that.  :)

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