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Sunday, October 7, 2012


We took an impromptu camping trip this weekend.  We camped on Lake Conroe very close to the water.  This particular campground was small, but had great ammenities.  It had canoeing, fishing, a pool, gameroom, volleyball net, pancake breakfast on Saturday, among other things.  The bathrooms were also better than any other camping facility that I've been to.  The weather was clear so the starry sky was gorgeous.

 Brian and the girls went swimming and got sunburned during the day. That night a cold front blew in and the temperature dropped to 52 degrees.  With the cold front came very strong winds. 

We camped on a promotional rate at this members-only RV park. The catch was having to endure an hour long presentation on becoming members of the Castaways RV park and other nationwide parks. They put the pressure on us to purchase a membership, but Brian and I didn't budge.

I decided to document the Funny and Memorable Moments from this camping trip. (no real particular order, just thought it would be fun to count them down) 

#11  Everyone was prepared for the cold front.... except my husband. He packed only T shirts, sandals, and shorts.

#10 S'mores in the microwave are not as good as over a campfire.

#9 I almost knocked myself unconscious on the doorframe of the truck. I now have a big goose egg on my head, and a killer headache. In a completely different situation I also got knocked in the face by the metal canopy pole. I'm a bit banged up.

#8 The sales manager called Brian stubborn.

#7  Our heater works in our camper! Too bad we all froze in the middle of the night because none of us were smart enough to turn it on until 6 am.

#6 Once we arrived back home Arden went straight to the backyard grass to potty. I guess it takes her a bit to transition back from camping mode.   

#5 Our camper can withstand 25 mph winds. So can our canopies.... once they are up and not knocking people in the head.
 #4 We are pretty sure we witnessed a non-member guy use the hot tub to take a bath.

#3  Brian asked our seven month old at dinner time if he was hungry.  Jack responded by opening his mouth like he was about to take a bite.  Pretty sure his love language is food.

#2 Our fan blew on high...... and wasn't plugged in.

#1 Brian rolled through one of those "optional" stop signs as we were leaving the campground.  Arden said in a stern authoritative voice, "Daddy, that's a stop sign.  You are supposed to STOP!  Es, Tee, Oh, Pee.  That spells stop, Daddy!"  Nothing like being called out by a three year old.

First time for Jack to wear a jacket


Arden running scared and screaming all the way from the swing to tell me about a little bitty spider
We enjoyed our promo stay.  Too bad we can't go back without a membership, but for $5K I can make my own pancakes :)


  1. 5K?!?! TO CAMP!!! Crazy! I will keep purchasing my state park passes. But your little countdown had me laughing! Jadyn saw a picture from Brian to Rusty of the campsite and she looked at him, serious as can be and said "They're camping without us?"

  2. Didn't a young Halle call Brian out on his language while driving too? haha!

    1. Yup he would get in trouble all the time by Halle for going too fast. And then he called someone a "Dumb Ass" while driving when Halle was 4. She said, "Daddy! You are NOT supposed to say 'Dumb.'" Lol!
