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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fashion Sense. Or Not.

I was going through my phone to see what pictures were blog worthy (this is how I usually get my inspiration for a post.)  I noticed that I have a lot of recent pictures of crazy outfitted kids.
When Halle re-fitted her pink camo shirt she made Jack a cape.
That would be a sock with the toe cut off on her arm

My third daughter

Jack fixed his hair.  With lotion.

A towel, belt, and scarve make a great mermaid tail.  Fashion by Halle.
 We burned crayons for a science experiment.  They decided to paint their faces with the ashes.  I did too, but I'm withholding that picture.

Lately Arden has been wearing rubber boots with everything.  Raining?  Sunny?  Doesn't matter.

And Jack trying on Dad's steel-toe boots for size

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