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Monday, August 18, 2014

My new running partner.

Arden always begs me to let her run with me.  I finally started letting her, and she is thrilled!  She is a little runner and does really well.  Right now she can run a whole mile without stopping.  She loves it and it's been the highlight of her day.  I make her wait until the evening after the sun goes down because I am definitely not running in this Texas heat while the sun is still out!
the first time she ran with me.  We realized that she had outgrown her sneakers.  She didn't care, she ran in socks and dress shoes instead.

After her first run with me her daddy promised her new running shoes.
This kid has been cracking me up with her new shoes.  Here's some of the things:

1.  She runs on her toes.  She tried to run on her heels, but she said that doesn't feel right.  If you know Arden this won't surprise you.  She walks on her tip toes everywhere.
2.  She says her new running shoes make her go super fast.  She has shown everyone her new shoes and will give them a sample of her speediness by sprinting in front of them.
3.  When she gets tired on our run she says, "I'm tired but I'm gonna keep pushing myself.  I'm not going to stop!"

1 comment :

  1. Ah! That is so awesome, both the Mary Jane marathoner and that she can run a whole mile!! I'm so impressed!!
