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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

"It's because I'm five now."

That's Arden's response to all of her accomplishments this past week.  This past week she learned how to ride her bike without training wheels, go across the monkey bars, hula hoop for a whole minute, and tie her shoes!  My baby is growing up.  *sniff, sniff.  She also attributes her achievements to all of the apples she eats.  "They make my muscles really huge," she says as she flexes her bicep.

And lastly, which surprised me and made tear up, she gives credit to me.  Right after she rode her bike for the first time, she said excitedly, "Mommy!  I did it all by myself.  I didn't give up!  Just like you.  You didn't give up on your marathon and I didn't give up trying to ride my bike, so I did it!"

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