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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Service Jar Week 1

"Let you light shine before men, that they may seen your good deeds, and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16

This was the bible verse for last week's VBS.  The first graders that I led during the week made something called service jars during their Missions class.  I made one for my Halle and Arden as well.  In the service jars are slips of papers with ways to bless others.  Each week we plan to pull a strip of paper and serve others accordingly.

I want my very sheltered and privileged girls to see and understand what it means to be selfless and serve others.  I want them to show love to others without expecting anything in return.  Most of all,  I want them grow up to be examples of Christ' love.

This is the first week.  The strip of paper that we chose said to hand out water bottles to construction workers.  Brian brought home cases of water and we froze them overnight.  We said a prayer together before we headed out; I prayed for God to put people into our path that He wanted us to bless.  We then drove around after lunch to the local construction crews and passed out water bottles.  The girls also gave waters to some landscaping crews.  It was a sight to see my girls hand over ice-cold waters to these workers.  Many workers were very rough looking and looked like they had a hard life.  Many were Spanish speaking only.  Many looked like normal guys working hard to earn a paycheck.  They were all in 95 degree heat, hot and thirsty.  Each one's face lit up with a smile as the girls handed them a water while saying, "Jesus loves you."  They were very appreciative of the simple gesture.  There was a guy walking down 249 that looked very hot and tired.  He was the most thankful of all for the water.  

getting ready to pass out waters

Jesus said, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink."
John 7:37

1 comment :

  1. Bobbie, I LOVE this!! I'm totally gonna put this into practice! Anything we can do as parents to instill a heart of evangelism into the next generation is high on my list!
