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Saturday, May 31, 2014

How doesn't your garden grow?

Bobbie, Bobbie, not quite your hobby,
How doesn't your garden grow?
With digging males and flooding spells,
And pesky weeds all in a row.

Bobbie, Bobbie, not quite your hobby,
How doesn't your garden grow?
With cilantro fails, and mosquito Hells,
And lack of Miracle Grow.

We had some vegetables grow in our garden.  There were some beans, cilantro, carrots, and squash!  Then life happened.  Rudi made the garden area his own personal digging pit, and Jack helped when he could. Our back neighbors also flooded our backyard with their sprinkler system for a whole week.  Combined with my general gardening suckiness, all we have is a big disastrous 4X8 ft mud pit.  It's so embarrassing I won't show pictures.

I will show you this picture, though, because Halle and I like to give Brian a hard time over this (and because I'm personally not responsible for this screw-up ;)

I used to have two very beautiful and full rose bushes in my front yard.  I was proud of them because we managed to keep them alive for over two years (a big deal for the Hargraves).  This is one of them after Brian [a digging male] "strategically and skillfully" transplanted it.

Roses are red, 
Violets are blue,
Until Brian gardens
And kills them for you.

1 comment :

  1. I had no idea you were such a poet! How did I not know you had a blog? Glad I found it. (Liz) (Mom) (Mimi)
