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Sunday, December 15, 2013

December Photo Dump

my $1 wreath.  I used a pool noodle as the base.  I repurposed tulle from Halle's 2012 Halloween costume.  All I bought was the Santa hat.

Arden rockin' out with banjo Halle made for her.  Well.... as much as you can "rock out" with a banjo, anyway

doing some Christmas shopping at Wally World.  Jack found this fake banana in the craft aisle.  Speaking in his language, Jackanese:  "Hyum, hyum, hyum" for five minutes.  He was not happy when he tried to take a bite.

speaking of bananas, a pictures of how much fruit we consume in a week.  This photo doesn't do it justice.  Both the pink and clear bowls are fairly large.
Jack successfully on the see-saw for the first time without falling off.  This picture was taken at the beginning of December.  The next day they had to play outside in boots and jackets.  Houston weather....

baking cookies.  Should have seen the sugar rush after this cookie.  Imagine a bouncy ball.  But with long curly hair.

An angel we made.  She's a little scary looking but the girls insisted that she be our new tree topper.

Yummy-licious cookies from my cookie exchange party.

Arden singing in the Community Bible Study christmas program.  They were so cute.  She LOVES bible study and her teachers.

Jack and Arden playing with the CFBC kids nativity scene.  Arden loves to play Mary.  Jack loves to throw the plastic cow to see how loud of a sound it'll make.

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